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Can I use natural stones like granite or marble for the bench in my Iowa sauna?

小柯 ◷ 2024-10-01 20:40:14 Sauna Room Materials

When it comes to outfitting a sauna in Iowa, one might wonder if natural stones such as granite or marble are suitable for the bench. There are several factors to consider.

First and foremost, granite and marble are both known for their durability. They can withstand high temperatures and are less likely to crack or deteriorate over time compared to some other materials. This makes them potentially good choices for a sauna bench, which will be exposed to heat and moisture on a regular basis.

However, there are also some downsides. Natural stones can be quite cold to the touch initially. When you first enter the sauna, sitting on a cold granite or marble bench might not be the most comfortable experience. It can take some time for the stone to warm up to a more pleasant temperature.

Another consideration is maintenance. Granite and marble require regular cleaning and sealing to prevent staining and damage from moisture. In a sauna environment, where there is a lot of humidity, this maintenance can be more frequent and demanding.

Moreover, the cost of using granite or marble for a sauna bench can be relatively high. These natural stones are often more expensive than other materials, which could be a deterrent for those on a budget.